Stand: 20.10.2023, 03:45 -- Zahl der Neuerwerbungen: 52
Ascheron, Claus:
Scientific publishing and presentation : a practical guide with advice on doctoral studies and career planning / Claus Ascheron. - Berlin : Springer, [2023]. - xii, 157 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
EST:Wissenschaftliches Publizieren und Präsentieren
ISBN 978-3-662-66403-2
Badiru, Deji:
¬The physics of soccer : using math and science to improve your game / Deji Badiru. - New York ; Bloomington : iUniverse, Inc., [2010]. - xxiv, 296 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 23 cm. - (iUniverse editor's choice)
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 978-1-4401-9224-1 - ISBN 1-44019-224-3 - ISBN 978-1-4401-9226-5
Baer, Howard:
Weak scale supersymmetry : from superfields to scattering events / Howard Baer, Florida State University, Xerxes Tata, University of Hawaii. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022. - xvii, 537 Seiten : Diagramme
first published 2007, reissued as OA 2022
ISBN 978-1-009-28983-2 - ISBN 978-1-009-28984-9
Bauer, Wolfgang:
University physics with modern physics / Wolfgang Bauer, Michigan State University, Gary D. Westfall, Michigan State University. - Third edition, international student edition. - New York : McGraw-Hill, [2024]. - xxviii, 1308 Seiten, A-12, AP-14, I-28 : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (McGraw-Hill connect)
ISBN 978-1-266-08408-9
Biswas, Dhruba J.:
¬A beginner’s guide to lasers and their applications : insights into laser science / Dhruba J. Biswas. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2023-. - Bände. - (Undergraduate lecture notes in physics)
Part 1. . - [2023]. - xvi, 321 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-3-031-24329-5
Bräunling, Georg:
Handbuch der Aerodynamik : physikalisch-mathematische Grundlagen / Georg Bräunling. - München : Hanser, [2023]. - XLIV, 876 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 25 cm
EXTRA E-Book inside
ISBN 978-3-446-46828-3 - ISBN 3-446-46828-5
Butt, Hans-Jürgen:
Physics and chemistry of interfaces / Hans-Jürgen Butt, Karlheinz Graf, Michael Kappl. - Fourth edition. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, [2023]. - xiv, 458 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 24.4 cm x 17 cm
ISBN 978-3-527-41405-5 - ISBN 3-527-41405-3
Chodos, Alan:
Ghost particle : in search of the elusive and mysterious neutrino / Alan Chodos and James Riordon ; foreword by Don Lincoln. - Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press, [2023]. - xiv, 304 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-0-26204-787-6
Das, Malay K.:
Design and analysis of thermal systems / Malay Kumar Das, Pradipta K. Panigrahi. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. - xiv, 407 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-0-367-50254-6 - ISBN 978-0-367-50326-0
Dilão, Rui:
Dynamical system and chaos : an introduction with applications / Rui Dilão. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2023]. - ix, 326 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 731 grams. - (UNITEXT for physics)
Differential Equations as Dynamical Systems.- Stability of fixed points.- Difference equations as dynamical systems.- Classification of fixed points.- Hamiltonian systems.- Numerical Methods.-Strange Attractors and Maps of an Interval.- Stable, Unstable and Centre manifolds.-Dynamics in the Centre Manifold.- Lyapunov Exponents and Oseledets Theorem.- Chaos.- Limit and Recurrent Sets.-Poincare Maps.- The Poincare-Bendixon Theorem.- Bifurcations of Differential Equations.-Singular Pertubations and
Ducks.-Strange Attractors in Delay Equations.- Complexity of Strange Attractors.-Intermittency.- Cellular Automata.- Maps of the Complex Plane.- Stochastic Iteration of Function Systems.- Linear Maps on the Torus and Symbolic Dynamics.- Parametric Resonance.- Robot Motion.- Synchronisation of Pendula.- Synchronisation of Clocks.- Chaos in Stormer Problem.-Introduction to Celestial mechanics.- Introduction to non-Liner control Theory.- Appendices
ISBN 978-3-031-25153-5
Dreiner, Herbert K.:
From spinors to supersymmetry / Herbi K. Dreiner (University of Bonn), Howard E. Haber (University of California, Santa Cruz), Stephen P. Martin (Northern Illinois University). - Cambridge ; New York ; Port Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - xx, 1009 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-0-521-80088-4
Enabling methodologies for renewable and sustainable energy / edited by Gaurav Saini, Ramani Kannan, Ernesto Benini and Krishna Kumar. - First edition. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, 2023. - xiii, 231 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-1-032-22476-3 - ISBN 978-1-032-22478-7
Fredrickson, Glenn H.:
Field-theoretic simulations in soft matter and quantum fluids / Glenn H. Fredrickson, Kris T. Delaney. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2023]. - xiv, 384 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (International series of monographs on physics ; 173)
ISBN 978-0-19-284748-5
Für alles eine App : Ideen für Physik mit dem Smartphone / Thomas Wilhelm, Jochen Kuhn (Hrsg.). - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, [2022]. - XI, 316 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (Lehrbuch)
ISBN 978-3-662-63900-9
Golub, Robert:
¬The historical and physical foundations of quantum mechanics / Robert Golub, Steven K. Lamoreaux. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2023]. - xiii, 747 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-0-19-882219-6 - ISBN 978-0-19-882218-9
Hanslmeier, Arnold:
Introduction to astronomy and astrophysics / Arnold Hanslmeier. - Berlin, Germany : Springer, [2023]. - xxi, 680 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-662-64636-6 - ISBN 3-662-64636-6 - ISBN 978-3-662-64639-7
Hargittai, Magdolna:
Meeting the challenge : top women in science / Magdolna Hargittai. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2023]. - vii, 278 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-0-19-757475-1
Higgins, Michael Denis:
¬The seven wonders of the ancient world : science, engineering and technology / Michael Denis Higgins. - New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2023]. - x, 330 Seiten, 16 ungezählte Seiten Tafeln : Illustrationen, Karten
ISBN 978-0-19-764814-8
Hosur, Ramakrishna V.:
¬A graduate course in NMR spectroscopy / Ramakrishna V. Hosur, Veera Mohana Rao Kakita. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - xi, 313 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 732 grams
This textbook is designed for graduate students to introduce the basic concepts of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR), spectral analysis and modern developments such as multidimensional NMR, in reasonable detail and rigor. The book is self-contained, so, a unique textbook in that sense with end of chapter exercises included supported by a solution manual. Some of the advanced topics are included as Appendices for quick reference. Students of chemistry who have some exposure to
mathematics and physics will benefit from this book and it will prepare them to pursue research in different branches of Chemistry or Biophysics or Structural Biology. - Chapter-1: BASIC CONCEPTS; 1.1 Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Moments; 1.2 Nuclear Spins in a Magnetic Field; 1.3 Spin Lattice Relaxation; 1.4 Spin temperature; 1.5 Resonance Absorption of Energy and The NMR Experiment; 1.5.1. The basic NMR spectrometer; 1.6 Kinetics of Resonance Absorption; 1.7 Selection Rules; 1.8 Line widths; 1.9
Bloch equations; 1.10 More about relaxation; 1.11 Sensitivity; EXERCISES; ; CHAPTER 2: HIGH RESOLUTION NMR SPECTRA OF MOLECULES ; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Chemical Shift; 2.2.1 Anisotropy of chemical shifts; 2.2.2 Factors Influencing Isotropic Chemical shifts; 2.3 Spin-Spin Coupling; 2.4 Analysis of NMR spectra of molecules; 2.4.1 First Order Analysis; 2.4.2 Quantum Mechanical Analysis; 2.5 Dynamic Effects in the NMR spectra; 2.5.1 Two site Chemical Exchange; 2.5.2.^. - ^^ - ^Collapse of spin
multiplets; 2.5.3 Conformational Averaging of J- values; EXERCISES; ; CHAPTER 3: FOURIER TRANSFORM NMR; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Principles of Fourier transform NMR; 3.3 Theorems on Fourier transforms; 3.4 The FTNMR Spectrometer ; 3.5. Practical aspects of recording FTNMR spectra; 3.5.1. Carrier Frequency and off-set; 3.5.2. RF pulse; 3.5.3. Free Induction Decay (FID) and the spectrum ; 3.5.4. Single channel and quadrature detection; 3.5.5. Signal digitization and sampling; 3.5.6. Folding of
signals; 3.5.7. Acquisition time and the resolution; 3.5.8. Signal averaging and Pulse repetition rate; 3.6. Data processing in FT NMR; 3.6.1. Zero filling; 3.6.2. Digital filtration or window multiplication or apodization ; 3.7 Phase correction; 3.8. Dynamic range in FTNMR; 3.9. Spin-echo ; 3.10. Measurement of relaxation times ; 3.10.1. Measurement of relaxation time; 3.10.2. Measurement of relaxation time; 3.11.^. - ^^ - Water suppression through spin-echo: Watergate; 3.12 Spin decoupling; 3.
13 Broad band decoupling; 3.14 Biliniear Rotational Decoupling (BIRD); EXERCISES; ; CHAPTER 4: POLARIZATION TRANSFER; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Experimental Schemes; 4.3 Origin of NOE; 4.3.1 A simplified treatment; 4.3.2 A more rigorous treatment; 4.4 Steady state NOE; 4.5 Transient NOE; 4.6. Selective population inversion ; 4.7. INEPT; 4.7.1. Disadvantages of INEPT; 4.8 Refocused INEPT; 4.9 DEPT; EXERCISES; ; CHAPTER 5: Density matrix description of NMR; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Density matrix; 5.3
Elements of Density Matrix; 5.4. Time evolution of density operator ; 5.5. Matrix representations of RF pulses; 5.6. Product Operator Formalism ; 5.6.1. Basis operator sets; 5.6.2.^. - ^^ - Time-evolution of Cartesian Basis Operators; Free evolution under the influence of the Hamiltonian; Chemical Shift evolution; Scalar coupling evolution; Rotation by pulses; Calculation of the spectrum of J-coupled two spin system; ; EXERCISES; ; Chapter 6:
Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopy; 6.1 Segmentation of the time axis; 6.2 Two dimensional NMR; 6.3 Two-dimensional Fourier Transformation in NMR; 6.4 Peak shapes in 2D spectrum ; 6.5 Quadrature detection in two-dimensional NMR; 6.6 Types of 2D-NMR spectra; ; 6.6.1 2D- resolution/ separation experiments; 6.6.2.^. - ^^ - Two-dimensional correlation experiments ; The COSY experiment; COSY of two-spins; COSY of three-spins; Disadvantages of COSY; Double-
Quantum Filtered COSY (DQF-COSY); Total Correlation Spectroscopy (TOCSY); Two-dimensional Nuclear Overhauser Effect spectroscopy (2D-NOESY) ; Two-dimensional ROESY; 6.6.3 Two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation experiments; Heteronuclear COSY; Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation (HMBC); Combination of mixing sequences; 6.7 Three dimensional NMR; 6.7.1 The CT-HNCA experiment; 6.7.2 The HNN experiment; 6.7.3 The constant-time HN(CO)CA
experiment; 6.7.4 The HN(C)N experiment; EXERCISES; ; APPENDIX; A1. Hamiltonian of dipole-dipole interaction; A2. Chemical Shift Anisotropy ; A3. Solid state NMR: basic features; A4. Coherence selection by linear Field Gradients; A5. Pure shift NMR: ZS and PSYCHE methods; A6. HADAMARD NMR for selective excitation;
ISBN 978-3-030-88768-1 - ISBN 978-3-030-88771-1
Howell, John R.:
Thermal radiation : an introduction / John R. Howell, M. Pinar Mengüc, Kyle J. Daun. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. - xxiii,449 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-1-032-01531-6 - ISBN 978-1-032-01534-7
Huterer, Dragan:
¬A course in cosmology : from theory to practice / Dragan Huterer (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor). - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - xiv, 422 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-1-316-51359-0
Jung, Joey:
Hydrometallurgical recycling of lithium-ion battery materials / Joey Jung, Pang-Chieh Sui, and Jiujun Zhang. - First edition. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. - x, 272 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (Electrochemical energy storage and conversion)
ISBN 978-1-032-21602-7 - ISBN 978-1-032-21609-6
King, Andrew R.:
Supermassive black holes / Andrew King, University of Leicester. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - xvii, 308 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-1-108-48805-1
Kok, Pieter:
¬A first introduction to quantum physics / Pieter Kok. - Second edition. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - xvii, 296 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (Undergraduate lecture notes in physics)
ISBN 978-3-031-16164-3
Kouh, Minjoon:
Thermal physics tutorials with Python simulations / Minjoon Kouh and Taejoon Kouh. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. - xiii, 223 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (Series in computational physics series)
ISBN 978-1-03-225756-3 - ISBN 978-1-032-26343-4
Libbrecht, Kenneth:
Snow crystals : a case study in spontaneous structure formation / Kenneth G. Libbrecht. - Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2022]. - ix, 440 Seiten : Illustrationen (farbig)
ISBN 978-0-691-20037-8
Malcherek, Andreas:
Elektromagnetismus und Gravitation : die Vereinheitlichung der klassischen Physik / Andreas Malcherek. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, [2022]. - X, 168 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-3-658-35955-3 - ISBN 3-658-35955-2
McGurn, Arthur R.:
¬An introduction to condensed matter physics for the nanosciences : Arthur McGurn. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, 2023. - xii,340 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-0-367-46647-3 - ISBN 978-0-367-51709-0
Mochrie, Simon:
Introductory physics for the life sciences / Simon Mochrie, Claudia De Grandi. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - xxiv, 847 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (Undergraduate texts in physics)
ISBN 978-3-031-05807-3
Müller, Rainer:
Thermodynamik : von Energie und Entropie zu Wärmeübertragung und Phasenübergängen / Rainer Müller. - 3. Auflage. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2023]. - x, 431 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 24 cm. - (De Gruyter Studium)
ISBN 978-3-11-107008-7
Nanoscopy and nanospectroscopy / edited by Sandip Dhara, Deep Jariwala, and Soumen Das. - First edition. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. - xii,267 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 178 x 254 mm 675 g
ISBN 978-1-03-216388-8 - ISBN 978-1-03-216389-5
Nanowires : applications, chemistry, materials and technologies / edited by Ram K. Gupta. - First edition. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2023. - xiv, 413 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 978-1-03-228385-2 - ISBN 978-1-03-228390-6
Natt, Oliver:
Physik mit Python : Simulationen, Visualisierungen und Animationen von Anfang an / Oliver Natt. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, [2022]. - xi, 423 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme (überwiegend farbig). - (Lehrbuch)
ISBN 978-3-662-66453-7
Nolte, David D.:
Interference : the history of optical interferometry and the scientists who tamed light / David D. Nolte, Purdue University. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2023]. - xi, 436 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 23 cm
Literaturverzeichnis Seite [419]-427. - Index
ISBN 978-0-19-286976-0
Oloff, Rainer:
¬The geometry of spacetime : a mathematical introduction to relativity theory / Rainer Oloff. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2023]. - xix, 274 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (Graduate texts in physics)
ISBN 978-3-031-16138-4
Parson, William W.:
Modern optical spectroscopy : from fundamentals to applications in chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics / William W. Parson, Clemens Burda. - Third edition. - Cham : Springer, [2023]. - xii, 650 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-3-031-17221-2
Photonic quantum technologies : science and applications / edited by Mohamed Benyoucef. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2023. - 2 vol.
ISBN 978-3-527-41412-3
Volume 1. . - [2023]. - xxviii, 348 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-3-527-35260-9
Photonic quantum technologies : science and applications / edited by Mohamed Benyoucef. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2023. - 2 vol.
ISBN 978-3-527-41412-3
Volume 2. . - [2023]. - xxviii Seiten, Seite 349-750 : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-3-527-35261-6
¬The physics of sports / edited by Angelo Armenti, Jr., Villanova University. - New York : AIP Press, [1992]. - xix, 333 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke
ISBN 978-0-88318-946-7 - ISBN 0-88318-946-1
Pinsonneault, Marc:
Stellar structure and evolution / Marc Pinsonneault, Barbara Ryden. - Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - xii, 324 Seiten : Illustrationen. - (¬The Ohio State astrophysics series)
ISBN 978-1-108-83581-7 - ISBN 978-1-108-79882-2 - ISBN 1108835813
Sachdev, Subir:
Quantum phases of matter / Subir Sachdev, Harvard University, Massachusetts. - Cambridge ; New York ; Port Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore : Cambridge University Press, [2023]. - xvii, 510 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-1-009-21269-4
Schmiegel, Armin U.:
Energy storage systems : system design and storage technologies / Armin U. Schmiegel, University of Applied Science, Reutlingen; REFUdrive GmbH, Pfullingen. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2023]. - viii, 440 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-0-19-285800-9
Sharapov, Sergei:
Energetic particles in tokamak plasmas / Sergei Sharapov. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021. - ix, 156 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-0-367-71168-9 - ISBN 978-1-138-54554-0
Shih, Yanhua:
¬An introduction to quantum optics : photon and biphoton physics / Yanhua Shih. - Second edition, paperback edition. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021. - xv, 426 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (Series in optics and optoelectronics)
ISBN 978-0-367-67359-8 - ISBN 978-0-367-67359-8
Singh, Abhay Kumar:
Chalcogenide : carbon nanotubes and graphene composites / Abhay Kumar Singh, Tien-Chien Jen. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2021. - vii, 293 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-0-367-71076-7 - ISBN 978-0-367-20314-6
Stenzel, Olaf:
Light-matter interaction : a crash course for students of optics, photonics and materials science / Olaf Stenzel. - Cham : Springer, [2022]. - xxvii, 548 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme (überwiegend farbig). - (UNITEXT for physics)
ISBN 978-3-030-87143-7 - ISBN 978-3-030-87146-8
Suits, Bryan H.:
Physics behind music : an introduction / Bryan H. Suits, Michigan Technological University. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - xiii, 405 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-1-108-94870-8 - ISBN 978-1-108-84465-9
Walker, James S.:
¬A student's guide to the Ising model / James S. Walker, Washington State University. - Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - ix, 214 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (Student's guide series)
ISBN 978-1-009-09851-9 - ISBN 978-1-009-09630-0
Wang, Hongwei:
¬A guide to fluid mechanics / Hongwei Wang (Beihang University, Beijing) ; translated by Yan Zhang (School of Computer and Software Engineering, Nanyang Institute of Technology). - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. - xvii, 305 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-108-71278-1 - ISBN 978-1-108-49883-8
Wind and solar energy applications : technological challenges and advances / edited by Satish Kumar Peddapelli and Peter Virtic. - Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. - vii, 365 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
ISBN 978-1-032-28846-8 - ISBN 978-1-032-34390-7
Winn, Joshua:
¬The little book of exoplanets / Joshua Winn. - Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2023]. - 272 Seiten, 16 ungezählte Seiten Tafeln : Illustrationen, Diagramme, 22 cm
ISBN 978-0-691-21547-1
Wolschin, Georg:
Elektrodynamik / Georg Wolschin. - 2. Auflage. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, [2022]. - XV, 278 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme. - (Lehrbuch)
ISBN 978-3-662-65455-2
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